Bonita Thompson, founder of Beginnings Foundation (formerly Home of New Beginnings), moved to Bangkok in 2004 after three decades of work in the U.S. educational system as a teacher and principal. As Bonita explored the city, she viewed hundreds of Western men with young Asian women. Her eyes were opened to the horrific and massive sex tourism industry in Thailand that is built for the pleasure of men from developed countries; many of them, her countrymen. Bonita began researching. The girls mainly came from rural Northeastern Thailand. The industry was driven by poverty, lack of education, gender inequality, domestic violence, childhood sexual abuse, cultural expectations and man's desire for power and gratification. To address these issues, Beginnings opened its doors in February of 2006 for young women and girls. It is a residence held up by the pillars of education and family, in order to provide a different kind of future—one of hope.
One year later, Beginnings welcomed Ann Thongves. Ann had worked with vulnerable children in nearby Pattaya, helped to establish a children's home there, and was later involved with tsunami relief. A true visionary, Ann not only makes sure the day-to-day operations run smoothly as Director, but is always dreaming up and executing new projects for the future of Beginnings Foundation.
What started as one residence in Bangkok, has now expanded to include a second residence in Pattaya, a vocational training center, sustainable garden, professional baking studio, and prevention community center. Hand in hand, Ann, Bonita, and the rest of the Beginnings team are working to provide the educational opportunities and family atmosphere for women and girls to heal and move towards bright futures.
Founder Bonita Thompson (L), and Director Ann Thongves (R).